Tailored to your environment

A Connected Edge system allows ultimate flexibility in both what you want to control, and what you want it to look like.  From a mobile app to in-wall tablets, we’ll create the system that works best for you.  You’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing there’s nothing else like it on the market.  Here are some example themes we’ve created.

Black Diamond Theme

Blue Steel Theme

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Get in Touch

Rick Otway
President & Founder

Brantz Myers
CTO & Dev't Head

About Us

Let’s face it. Technology is advancing at a pace faster than most normal people can absorb.  Fortunately, we aren’t normal people.  At Connected Edge we have spent decades immersed in technology with some of the biggest names in the industry.  Whatever your needs, we’ll bring the right resources to make you successful.

Rick Otway - President & Founder

Brantz Myers - CTO & Dev't Head

Business Advisory Services

Network Design & Deployment

Cabling & Infrastructure

Web Conferencing Solutions

Boardroom & Residential Automation

Technology Support Services